Monday, January 22, 2007

TVB had too much ethanol...

...when they tried to censor a Canadian Renewable Fuels Association ad. As Stepen Taylor eloquently presents the whole situation, it seems fairly obvious that the Television Bureau of Canada is overstepping their bounds here. So because biofuels are a "hot topic", that makes any ad associated with them as an "opinion" piece? Does that make any sense whatsoever to anybody?

Now, I'm not totally against any sort of censoring whatsoever. There are lots of stuff that we shouldn't allow, and for some stuff, I do think it is fair to require advertisers to clearly state who is behind the ad. And while the logo at the end of the ads may not be on for the full 6 seconds required (which seems like an inordinatly large amount of time for a commercial), I think the ads are pretty clear in who's expressing this viewpoint.

So TVB, keep on regulating ads that spew hateful messages, or blatant lies, but don't knock down people for trying to remind the public to think green.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The environment is too important an issue to allow just anybody to speak to it, the government should censor all information that pertains to the environment in order that the public not become unduly alarmed.