Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wappel and the Terror Vote

Well, we had almost unanimous solidarity on the Terror vote, but we did have one member vote to extend the provisions. So, now we have to decide how to properly deal with it.

First off, let me state that kicking Wappel out of the party won't cause me to lose any sleep. I don't like him representing the Liberal party, and I wouldn't want him as my MP.

But I don't think it's a good political move to kick him out or even deny signing his nomination papers over this. As much as we know that extending the accord was wrong, your bland generic poll will tell you that people don't like the decision too much. And yes, I know that if you actually asked people about the substance of the debate, and showed them an example of the powers that we're giving, they change their minds, but in reality, we have to deal with public perception more than substance as a political party. And kicking a guy out of the party for this is not good public perception.

Now, I do believe that he should be punished somehow for voting against us, but I think we should keep it "unspecified." I want to see him go, but our goal now should not be to give this story any more media than it's already gotten.

1 comment:

lance said...

Bud, it was a whipped vote. Period. End of story.

We can argue day and night about the politics of it, but the fact remains the vote was whipped.

There are consequences regardless of the party: Turner, the NDP'er who voted against SSM, and now Wappel.

Trying to show that this is some sort of partisan thing is stupid.
