Thursday, April 19, 2007

Coalition of the Willing [parties]

Well, the Green-Liberal deal last week caused some controversies, and now it looks like the scope is enlarging, with a new possible deal in St. Catherines. Unfortunately the Liberals aren't exactly running the most progressive candidate in the riding, so it's exactly the greatest thrill to welcome back Walt to the HOC, but we can live with a few bad apples.

Now, I'd tend to think we probably won't be seeing too many more of these type of deals, but overall, I really don't mind. I would personally not mind seeing more deals of the sort, all over the place. I'll give up a candidate in some ridings in BC where it's really a 2-way race between the NDP and Conservatives. For me, I want the HOC to have the best split possible, and in general, that means that I'd rather see NDP, Green, and Liberal MPs over Conservative ones. I don't yet feel like we need any sort of official deal where we end up with a combined flag or anything of the like, and I do think we still need to not entirely give up in some areas (the whole 307/308 riding strategy), but a doing a few small deals here or there to steal a couple conservative seats isn't much trouble.

Although to be honest, most of this would be useless with a STV system where candidates are ranked. Even the MMP system which Ontario will vote on would be something, although I will want to look at it more this summer when I have some time to fully decide whether I will be willing to go fully proportional.

1 comment:

calgarygrit said...

A preferential ballot would also solve these problems