Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Iggy backtrack?

Well, thanks to Paper Dynamite Online, we see Iggy's interview with George Strombo[...] on The Hour. Basically, Iggy is now trying to claim he never admitted that Israel commited war crimes in Qana, simply that war crimes happened there.

Now, perhaps this really was his position all along (as apparent Bob Rae should know), but he certainly hasn't done well in getting that view out to the public. If he really doesn't believe with 100% certainty that Israel committed war crimes, then he should have said that. Even if he wants to leave it open if an international tribunal finds them guilty, a simple, "Based on the information I have, I do not believe that Israel committed a war crime in Qana" would go a long way to clearing it up.

But after what's gone on, maybe his best plan now would be to take a nice long holiday overseas. Anything he says now, people will either accuse him of being anti-Israel or flip-flopping on his position. He really does need to learn how to pick his words and either (a) be much more definite about what he says ("Hezbollah committed war crimes in Qana") or (b) learn to properly comment on tough matters ("I can't comment on what happened; we have to wait to see what an international jury says"). Can he learn to do that before December, or if he wins, before the election? A few more comments like that and it's going to be very tough to run a campaign that doesn't spend half our time and ressources clarifying what our leader says.

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