Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lots going on

Well, unfortunately I haven't had a chance to write too much the last few days, as I've just gotten back into town and haven't had an internet connection at home.

So, to catch up:

-Congrats Justin on the nomination. He's got the organization, and even some grudging respect from Antonio, so looks good so far. He may just be more than a pretty face, but we still need to see more from him.

-EcoFraud! Beautiful!

-Afghanistan: Conservatives seem to be changing their mind constantly, and are rightly being taken to task over it. There's nothing that they can do to really defend this without a complete about-face, so they're pretty screwed by it. And while it would be nice to take them to an election over this, my next point will stop us.

-Ouch. I know many Liberals are tapped-out from Leadership, but we still have been low on donations for years, since the new rules have come in. We have close to if not the largest voter base, more than twice the number of voters as the NDP, and many of our supporters are middle-class citizens, and we need to figure out how to adequately raise money. It's hard getting people to give, but if we can't figure it out, no matter how good our policies and ideas are, we won't be able to get out and reach people with the message.

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