Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Liberals and the Middle East

I've tried a few times to figure out what to write for this post. I usually avoid talking middle-east, since it's a topic I don't know too much about, and it's very divisive, even within people who share other viewpoints (see Volpe's campaign for details).

First off, I can see a point to Boris' comments on Hezbollah. Hezbollah is still evil, and we definitely should not support them in the least, but it probably doesn't hurt to be able to talk to them to try to hammer out some sort of deal which doesn't involve wiping out Israel.

Next, Boris made some comments about Israel which I like less. I haven't seen the full text of his speech, but if he did say that Israel was doing "state terrorism", then that's something which should be denounced. If he was simply saying that Israel went too far in their responce (which most of us would agree with), then perhaps he just needs to re-think his wording.

Finally, "Thomas", from thelongwalk.ca deserves the criticism he's gotten. I hope he will change his opinions in time, and he did do the right thing in resigning his post at BC YL. I don't blame Warren for getting upset about it.

As Jason mentions, anti-semites are involved in all walks of society. While I definitely think everyone within the party is entitled to their opinions, there's a limit to what we can support. Cerberus has a good post up detailing statements made by the top leadership contenders on Hezbollah and this recent mess.

*Update: Far and Wide has a very good post up about this as well. Very well thought out and reasoned.


Karen said...

I suggest everyone read Far and Wide's post. It's THE most balanced I've seen. Everyone is going off the deep end here...he kept our head's above water and pulled us in at a level, that's well, level.

Good on you for posting, it's a scary subject and most of us don't want to wade in.

wilson said...

Would the 3 opposition MPs have come to the same conclusion if the tour had included Israel?
Syria, Lebanon & Egypt, no Israel on the agenda.

What of the devastation and death endured from BOTH sides.

What kind of a fact finding mission was it when only ONE of the 2 parties involved got to tell their story.

Sorry guys, you are all looking for ways to duck under the wire on this one.

When the Cons. MP pulled out, the red flag should have been seen. These MPs reacted EXACTLY as planned, by their tour guides. The best propaganda machine in the ME, Hezbolla, sucked your guy in.

UWHabs said...

Wreznewskyj did plan to visit Israel later this month as well (http://www.canada.com/topics/news/politics/story.html?id=db7e1277-f49f-4b69-8239-1815009e22b9&k=47496&p=3), so it does look like he wanted to see both sides of the picture.