Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stop Iggy!

Back to politics, there's been a recent stir about the Stop Iggy website that has sprung up. Personally, I don't think Ignatieff is the right guy to lead the party. I think he will have difficulties explaining his academic viewpoints to the general public, I think he still needs to work on avoiding problematic soundbites, and I do think that he is too close to Harper on some issues.

But that's still no reason to start up a site to try to get him to lose. Especially one based on mis-information such as it is, and especially using membership lists to advertise. I personally haven't received one of those e-mails, but I do find it quite unprofessional to do that. You want to stop Ignatieff? Don't do it by mass e-mailing. Try to convince people face-to-face. Let them respond. Let them criticize your points. Welcome the challenge. If you sway them, good for you. If you don't, then maybe he's not so bad.


James Bowie said...

And let's not forget, this contest is about promoting our great party and defeating Stephen Harper

Anonymous said...

No it's not.

It's about choosing the future direction of the Liberal party.

The event for defeating Harper is the General Election.

Quit trying to gloss over the hard right positions that Ignatieff is bringing to the table.

Anonymous said...

Boy, it's amazing how there's so many feeling threatened by Ignatieff, especially Harper (he's the only candidate Harper attacks). If that's so, obviously he's the one to beat him.

I remember all the contraversy about Trudeau...hmmm.

Sinestra said...

I actually feel kinda sorry for Iggy. He's not the right leadership candidate, but he's not an evil guy. I won't be voting AGAINST him; I will, however, be voting FOR someone else. Positive campaigning is the best way to go.

Anonymous said...

Iggy is completely evil, the guy is like a frikkin neo-con harvard spy here to inflitrate Canadian politics so that we towe the U.S line and support them unquestioningly.
Chomsky simply calls him an intellectual apologist of U.S imperialism (which he is if you have read any of his stuff).
The guy is dangerous, and as American and neo-Con as apple pie. I can't believe that the liberals would even consider him. If he seriously wins, the liberal party is now officially OVER. It makes me very, very sad, after all the campaigning I did for you folks, thinking you were progressive--looks like its NDP time for those of us against U.S lackeys.

Anonymous said...

To compare Iggy to Trudeau is a leap and then some. He's not controversial because he is a reformist, he's controversial because of the wild stances that he's taken. Supporting the mess in Iraq, when 80 percent of Canadians were against it (regardless of whether he was a jounalist or a politician) shows his character and belief in U.S hegomony--not to mention goes completely against one of the most principled and bravest moves of our great Liberal party of the last decade. Trudeau created the Charter to protect and garuntee human rights. Iggy has a philosophy he likes to call "the lesser evil" (read about it), sort of like a section one of the charter where you can actually torture people. Maybe he's not such a bad guy, someone please explain, and tell me why does Chomsky not like him either. (Yes I am an idiot and I will vote any way Chomsky says).

Anonymous said...

Well maybe your not such an idiot given Noam Chomksy is perhaps the most read writer on foriegn policy of the world.