Sunday, November 19, 2006

Brunch with Ignatieff

Well, this morning I woke up early to go to a brunch fundraiser for Ignatieff in Cambridge [Youth get in free. Obviously I wouldn't actually want to pay to help his campaign]. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was going to keep a count of all of Ignatieff's contradictory remarks. And actually, he did not contradict himself once at all at the brunch!

However, that would be an accomplishment if he actually decided to show up to it. Apparently he's running a high fever, and so did not actually come out to the event. We had John McCallum speak instead, which was interesting, but I was looking forward to getting my picture with Iggy. Also, I think the Ignatieff camp should have either chosen a location that serves brunch or should have splurged a bit more, since the only food there were croissants, danishes, fruit, and cheese slices, along with coffee and juice. No hot food, just basically a light breakfast. They did have chocolate with Ignatieff's name on it, but it was quite disappointing overall.


Concerned Albertan said...

I wonder if Iggy is home watching the NFL or CFL this weekend?

UWHabs said...

Well, it wasn't just me complaining what they served.

And if I were someone who paid for the event, I would have been a little disappointed with the selection.