I won't post my full thoughts now, now that I'm back at home after a long train ride (quite nice. Had a good, long chat with some delegates from Etobicoke, who seemed to be part of Judy Sgro's undeclared party of people. Very nice people, and made the ride much more interesting on the way back). Tomorrow, I will probably give more details about the convention or other stuff, but for now, I feel more like doing a short recap of the candidates, what happened to them, and what my predictions were (I'm not expecting myself to be right too much).
Martha Hall-Findlay: If anyone can be declared a winner (apart from Dion), it's definitely Martha. She got 2.7% of the vote. She supported the winner, and someone she really agreed with and respected. She's always mentioned up there with Gerard as the big backers, and I think she'll be given something which she should knock out of the park, and be one of the big candidates for the next time we have one of these things. I can guarantee if she runs again, she'll get more than 2.7% of the vote.
Scott Brison: Apparently he was ready to go Iggy, maybe even before his speech, but then decided to wait for the vote. He went Rae. None of his supporters did. Everyone I talked to lost a lot of respect for him. He just seemed to be an opportunistic person with the move, and I think if anyone can be declaed a loser, it's him. He lost a lot of fans this weekend, and isn't looking nearly as well for another leadership run. Had he simply gone to Iggy, Dion, or even Kennedy, we would still respect him for going with the guy he actually agreed with on a few points.
Joe Volpe: He came out, and withdrew on day one. He was then always positioned in photo-ops right behind whoever was the focus. He delivered his delegates to Bob, then we didn't hear from him the rest of the way. The "Zombies for Volpe, Rae" pins seemed to be already made, so it seems to show that at least some people knew about it, but it would be fun if we eventually see "Zombies for Dion", "Zombies for Kennedy", "Zombies for Hall-Findlay" making the rounds.
Ken Dryden: He decided to stay on an extra ballot. He unfortunately went down in vote for it, then went to Bob. I had predicted a large number of people would follow him. I obviously didn't think he would go Bob at all. Too bad for him, and as with Brison, I think a lot of his supporters were shocked by the decision. I'd heard him going to everyone else, but never to Rae. He lost a bit of respect with the move, I think.
Gerard Kennedy: He didn't win. In my last moments, even until Friday night's results, I thought Gerard could win. Even after we were a few votes behind on the first ballot, I thought we would be able to pick up more than Stephane did. Perhaps in the next few days I'll mention some "retrospective hypothetical" questions that people are discussing how stuff would change, but this just wasn't Kennedy's time. We thought he would have a bit more appeal, but we just didn't grow enough early to make it. He was the kingmaker for Dion, and I think he's set himself up for the next leadership race, although hopefully all us Gerard folk don't start thinking Martin-like and undermining Dion. We all voted for him. We'll worry about the next leadership race when it comes around, after a few Dion majorities, I hope.
Bob Rae: What did we prove at this convention? People don't seem to like Rae. He picked up both Dryden and Brison's support, but probably only got a handful of delegates between them. This showed it takes more than some backroom heav-hitters to win a campaign. I had thought he would pick up a bit more support, but it didn't end up that way.
Michael Ignatieff: Too low on the first ballot to win. Lost the support of Brison, which would have changed things. Kennedy's people proved they really didn't like him. Thus, he didn't win. We didn't want to take a chance on him (and hopefully the Iggy folk in the next few days will try to get over him, and be proud of Stephane).
Stephane Dion: He won. It turned out that he had much more ex-officio support than expected, and took the sails out of Kennedy. As much as people play on the 2 votes on ballot 1, it was the fact that he picked up 120 votes to Kennedy's 30 after the first ballot that did Kennedy in. Had we been a couple votes up on them instead of them on us, I don't think it would have been a big deal. In fact, it may have made Dion's momentum even stronger, since he would be the only guy to change spots in the race as well. I can say that he didn't get 91% of Gerard's delegates because we were loyal to Gerard, he got 91% because we all liked Stephane second best.