Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Well, as I sit here pondering the conservatives' new ads, I receive my regular junkmail from the Liberal Party asking me to donate. Since I'm feeling bored, and thinking about actually donating, I click on the link to go to the donation page.

But when on the page, I notice we still have our links to donate to the campaigns from the Leadership race. Does anyone know how we're doing in that, if all the candidates have been able to recoup the funds, or heck, even if the Party has been able to start building a war chest? Obviously we won't be able to build up a warchest like the Cons have built, but it would be nice to know if we went into an election we could actually finance it.

1 comment:

Concerned Albertan said...

Most of the election is covered with public financing, reimbursements, $1.75 et al.

However, what we lack is the money to throw at marginal ridings, to subsidize a riding level campaign, to move experienced volunteers out of our bedrock areas for the writ period.