Thursday, February 01, 2007

Global warming caused by us!

In the most shocking news I've read all day, it appears that global warming is caused by humans!

In other equally shocking news, it appears that hockey teams with better players tend to win more, and political parties with more popular support tend to win more often.


Red Butler said...

Yet BossHarperCon will continue to allow temperatures to rise until nothing is left of planet earth - what a fucking hypocrite. Cares more about greasing the palms of the holders of the almighty dollar more than ensuring a reasonable cool temperature for future generations. ENOUGH Canada, this man makes me sick!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw that. It's not definite though - "very likely" caused by humans.

Glyn (Zaphod) Evans said...

Yeah who would have been able to piece all that together without all the help... Cripes.