Sunday, February 04, 2007

UWHabs on Adler on Holland

Well, Bourque seems to be up in arms over Holland's recent interview with Charles' Atler. According to them, Holland says the Liberals will go further than the NEP, and the Liberals would put insane restrictions and prevent anyone from developing the oilsands, and yada yada yada.

Listening to the interview, there is one overwhelming reaction I get to why there's no mainstream media coverage of this: it doesn't deserve any. Honestly. Adler's a moron to think that Holland went overboard with this. I mean, we all knew before this that Adler was a moron, but it's insane to think that Holland actually said anything overly controversial.

If companies don't comply with energy targets, will we punish them? Damn straight we will!
Will we stop the unconstrained growth of the oilsands? Obviously! Adler takes out that we will cut production on the oilsands - Holland clearly said we'll limit growth to be sustainable.
Will there be consequences? Yes, but it's much cheaper to do it now than to do it later, as Holland clearly stated. He even said that the fact that there will be job losses is a fallacy.

If you listen to it, Adler just sounds like a moron who tries to spew the conservative scare-mongering about the environment. He seems like he desperately believes that there will be a magical technology that will allow non-stop oilsands production. The only reason there's anything that could be construed as troublesome is that Holland isn't trying to sugarcoat stuff too much for us.

Honestly, if this is the best that the cons can come up with to try to hurt us with, it's a good sign for us.

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