Monday, September 11, 2006


Well, I'm in the midst of moving in for the term, so blogging has been and will be sporadic for a short time more.

Unfortunately I missed the debate yesterday, but seems like I didn't miss much. From what I hear, the french for Brison and Kennedy have improved a bit, and overall it was a big bore. They really won't have a great chance for debate unless if there were only like 4-5 people left, but no way we see that few until a couple ballots in in December.

Otherwise, if anyone knows where I can find the debate online (either in video or podcast), I'd love to get a copy to see or hear for myself.


calgarygrit said...

If you go to the CTV news story, they have clips to most of the debate on the right.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"An informal poll of some of the 500 delegates in the hall confirmed that candidates Michael Ignatieff, Bob Rae and Joe Volpe can hold their own in their second language, Gerard Kennedy and Scott Brison are not too bad, but the rest should go back to school."

If the Montreal Gazette can be positive about Gerard's French, I have a hard time honestly considering the negative comments made by members of the other leadership campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Why does the media find it so important that Liberals are absolutely flaw-free fluent in French. The Conservatives NEVER had a French debate and the NDP had their convention in Quebec in English.