Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dion: No negative attacks

Well, looks like Dion plans to take the high road, and not stoop to negative attacks. I'd say it's a good plan to reinforce the positive for now, and to keep thinking about the future. For now, it's the best way to regain credibility. That way, people will hopefully think of him and the party as moving forward, and maybe step away from the past for a bit. It was a stupid plan for Martin to forget the past, but we need look forward. For all we rag on Harper, Joe Blow Canadian probably has very little wrong with how Harper's governed, so negative campaigning does very little. Make people think of the future, and then they'll realize why Harper has been wrong so much.


calgarygrit said...

I ADORE negative ads.

That said, Dion's the one they need to define now, not Harper. So until the writ is dropped, they might as well stay positive. But during the election, the Libs would be crazy not to run any negative ads.

Anonymous said...

Dion's being foolish.

Anonymous said...

I kink-of see these ads as info-comercials. So far they didn't add anything new that the people didn't know already.

Look what happened last election, the negative ads by the LIEberals backfired on them and rightly so.

The threat by DeYawn concerning the CWB being broight back, placing Western farmers under bondage is no different that the ads the LIEberals used past election.

calgaarygrit: don't worry, they will, it is in their nature to attack those who seem to have a different opinion. What comes to mind is the way the LIEberals treated the 911 families by saying they were just "a side show."

Anonymous said...

Has truth become negative?
There's lots that can be said about Harper that is not negative per se... Comparison ads! Like comparing his words from oh say 2 months/years ago to what he says now? Is that negative? Or if a pro-Dion ad named names and listed the credentials of the 100+ pre-Accountability Act appointments? Stating the facts can be negative or positive. A basic graph can tell the story. That's not attack, it's the facts.

Anonymous said...

Harper's type of negative ads is "proof" that he isn't succeeding on his own merit and has to resort to this.

In other words, he's failing on his policies.

Wouldn't it be nice to get back to mature politics.

Are there any adults in government today? Appears not.