Friday, March 30, 2007

Falling on the Climate Change bill?

Media speculation is ramping up about whether the Conservatives are planning to make the climate change bill a confidence measure, and plan to fall on it. Now, if their poll numbers really are 17 points up on the Liberals, then this is a great plan, since they should be able to win over anything.

But if their numbers aren't that high, then it seems incredibly stupid to fall on a bill toughening environmental standards. It's not like the bill calls for crazy action that obviously will destroy the country, so I can't see them wanting to go to war on it, unless if they suddenly found that 40% of the country doesn't like the environment, or something like that.

On a side note, it appears Blogger has a news feed widget now that you can add to your sidebar to show news stories from Google News. If anyone has suggestions for other keywords to add on, let me know and I can add those on.

1 comment:

Oxford County Liberals said...

Thats the infamous online poll. It's an unreliable indicator, as we've often discussed.. and I wish the media would stop trying to use it as some great accurate window of whats going on.

The new Ipso-Reid poll released today on the other hand, shows they've fallen from 40% and to the Jan 2006 election results. The poll exactly mirrors the Decima poll released 2 days ago.